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Outdoor Wood Boilers > Outdoor Wood Furnace Information

Looking For A Large Outdoor Wood Boiler?

Some folks looking for outdoor wood furnaces come to the realization that they are looking for a big wood burner. I don't mean big like heating a big house. Rather, I mean big like commercial building and hot water big. While many companies produce outdoor wood boilers for residential use, some do not offer a bigger option. If you are looking for a large outdoor wood boiler, you need look no further than HeatMaster's product lineup. Following is a breif description of some of the biggest outdoor furnaces on the market.

HeatMaster C800

Weighing in at around 4000lbs., this outdoor furnace is a beast! Labeled for commercial use in the united states, this boiler can heat up to 20,000 square feet comfortably. With HeatMaster's rocker grate and ash pan forced air design, this furnace can burn almost any hunk of wood you can fit through the door. In addition to wood, it can also burn other types of biomass such as wood chips or coal.

HeatMaster B1000

20,000 square feet wasn't enough for you? I'm not finished. The C800 has a big brother, the B1000 biomass boiler. Rated at up to 1Million BTUs, or around 25,000 square feet of heating capacity, this boiler is the real deal. It is designed to burn wood chips and other biomasses. Featuring a one-of-a-kind continual feed system, the B1000 can be paired with a customized chip storage solution or can use an internal fuel source storage compartment. Its self-feeding design makes this a great option for commercial heating application where stoking a traditional outdoor wood furnace may be labor intensive or a safety hazard.

In addition to these monsters, we at Pineview Woodstoves also provide a full lineup of other sizes. Get in contact, and we'll write you up a free installation estimate.


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